The Harlem Children's Zone is a nonprofit organization for poverty-stricken children and families living in Harlem, providing free support in the form of parenting workshops, a preschool program, three charter schools, and child-oriented health programs for thousands of children and families.
Learning Fit through Pattern Making
DreamYard uses project-based arts learning to ignite the transformative spirit in youth, public schools and communities. As the largest arts education provider in the Bronx and one of the largest providers in the City, DreamYard impacts the social and intellectual growth of thousands of K-12th grade students each year. DreamYard’s school-based and out of school programs help young people pursue educational pathways toward higher learning and meaningful careers. The organization's programs include year long residencies for artists to teach and plan collaboratively with classroom teachers, "Bronxs Writes", a yearlong poetry slam residency program, to teach students how to write and perform original poetry, BALC (Bronx Arts Learning Community), a partnering of DreamYard with 14, K-12th grade Bronx public schools to build sustainable, continuous art service programs and OSP (Out of School Programs) offering after-school, Saturdays and summer opportunities for teens.